Save Our Neighborhoods SF

Don't let high rises go up and change the neighborhood forever
There are an abundance of vacancies & projects in SF Planning Department such as 2700 Sloat & SF has approved 3000 new residential units around Stonestown Mall.
Housing Shortage - NO, Vacancies - YES!! We don't need these ill-planned, oversized, inappropriate high rises.
*October 20, 2022 - Updated SF Budget and Legislative Analyst’s Office Residential Vacancies Report:
"A 52 percent increase in vacant units in San Francisco between 2019 and 2021"
"The total number of housing units in San Francisco increased by 5,870 units from 406,399 to 412,269 between 2019 and 2021, an increase of 1.4 percent, according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey 1-year estimates for those years. The number of vacant units in San Francisco increased significantly during the same time, from 40,548 in 2019 to 61,473 in 2021, an increase of 20,925 units or 51.6 percent. In 2021, 14.9 percent of all San Francisco housing units were vacant, up from 10 percent in 2019. Further, the number of vacant units is at its highest level since at least 2010."
Vacancy Increase: 2021 = 20,925 units or 51.6 percent. Current figures needed for 2022, but would suspect is a greater increase in vacancies
ALTERNATIVE Housing: Insist VACANT Office Space in Downtown SF be CONVERTED into truly
​ Affordable NOT Subsidized Units for Sale and/or Rent

PRIOR Proposal for 2700 Sloat (under 2700 Sloat Holdings LLC):
12 to 13 Stories (8 times height of neighboring buildings)
400 + units (120 "affordable")
56 parking spaces, includes 10 for Car Sharing
Over-priced retail space local businesses can't afford
Outside developers
Out of State architects
NOW as of 4-6-23, 680 units;
50++ Stories (6th Iteration)
Allowing out of scale buildings like this to be built is only the tip of the iceberg....
The Planning Department has designated western SF to absorb a state mandated requirement of constructing 80,000-82,000 new homes. They have over built market rate housing throughout SF and are now scrambling to find neighborhoods to meet the mandate of affordable units. Without residents engaging with the City Planners, BOS, and Mayor's office the greater Sunset/Parkside area will suffer the brunt of their vision to build high rises throughout our neighborhoods.